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Fairfield Hills Authority-12/19/07
The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown, CT.  Andrew Willie called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.
Present:  Andrew Willie, Moira Rodgers, Amy Dent, Julia Wasserman, Michael Holmes and John Reed.
Absent:  Bob Geckle, Walt Motyka and Don Studley
Also Present:  Ed Marks (Parks & Rec.), Dave Cravanzola (O&G), Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), 6 members of the public and one member of the press.
Public Participation:  Brendan Duffy of Chestnut Knoll Road in Sandy Hook state that he ran for the Legislative Council and the number one issue was the planned Town Hall scheduled to be built on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Mr. Duffy asked the question “Why was the Fairfield Hills Authority still planning on going through with the new Town Hall when this was such a divisive issue”?
Moira Rodgers stated that this was not a question and answer forum.  Andrew Willie and John Reed both told Mr. Duffy that they would be more than willing to meet with him after the meeting to answer any questions that he had.  Mr. Duffy said he would stay after to meet with them.
Ed Miklaszewski from Chimney Swift Drive, Sandy Hook, asked that the Fairfield Hills Authority consider the use of the Fairfield Hills Campus for a Frisbee Golf Course in a trial phase for one year.  Mr. Miklaszewski presented the proposal to Parks and Recreation and Ed Marks, (Chairman, Parks & Rec.) stated that Parks and Rec. thought it was a good idea and that possibly the “meadows” would be a suitable spot for the project.  Andrew Willie asked that Parks and Rec. give the Authority an outline of this plan.  Mr. Willie stated that the Authority would need time to look over the proposal (See Attached).
Ruby Johnson of Chestnut Hill Road gave an overview of an article from the Newtown Bee dated August 8, 2003 that discussed points from the Master Plan and wanted to know what the status was on some of the projects listed in the article.  (See Attached)
Acceptance of Minutes:  Moira Rodgers made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 20, 2007 Regular Meeting of the Fairfield Hills Authority.  Amy Dent  seconded the motion.  The motion was approved by all the members of the Authority in attendance.
Financial Report:  Members were in receipt of Don Studley’s proposed budget for 2008.
Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management) stated that she gave the projected costs for 2008/2009 and the actual costs from 2006 and 2007.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the proposed budgeted numbers were solid. 
Amy Dent asked if Ms. DeMarco knew of any new expenditures or possible increases.  Ms. DeMarco stated that there was a projected increase in landscaping.  Ms. Dent asked if there were any possible payroll changes.  Ms. DeMarco said there were not.
Operating:  Ms. DeMarco reported that the 2008 – 2009 budgets were completed.
Ms. DeMarco discussed the use of the campus by the Newtown Firefighters for training on December 18, 2007 and stated that it went very well.  Ms. DeMarco was very happy with the way the Fire Department used the facilities and the fact that they left the properties exactly the way they were before they started.  Ms. DeMarco stated that the training was done in the houses in the back of the campus.
Ms. DeMarco stated that the pet policy language has been approved and finalized so a mock-up of the new signs for the campus is being ordered and she will try to have it for the next Authority meeting to be reviewed.
As requested by John Reed at the October Authority meeting, Ms. DeMarco gave an overview of all of the attempted break-ins and/or crimes on the Fairfield Hills Campus. 
2 Attempted Break-ins.
3 Arrests (Juveniles from Westport)
1 Simple trespassing.
Andrew Willie asked if the Security Staff at Fairfield Hills were the facilitators in stopping these crimes.  Ms. DeMarco said that the security personnel witnessed the crime and alerted the police department.  Ms. DeMarco also stated that the Newtown Police Department responded immediately.
Ms. DeMarco gave an overview of the Transcend Wireless Power Lease.  Ms. DeMarco stated that Don Studley has been negotiating with this potential lessee and that the negotiations should be done next week and will be presented to the Authority at the January 15, 2008 meeting.
Ms. DeMarco wanted everyone to know that Bridgewater Hall is in the demolition process.
Ms. DeMarco also asked Ed Marks (Chairman, Parks and Recreation) to please inform Barbara Kasbarian that for the first time the Road Crew from Parks and Recreation Dept.  cleaned up the Fairfield Hills Campus after the storm last week and did a wonderful job.
O & G:  Dave Cravanzola gave an overview of his monthly report.  (See Attached).
Amy Dent moved that planned mothballing be done to the buildings so that no further damage happens to the properties over the winter months.  Moira Rodgers seconded the vote.  The Board voted unanimously. 
Dave Cravanzola made the comment that there is no grant money for mothballing.
Julia Wasserman said she will follow-up with the requests for grant money and stated that the last she heard the grant was ready to go and does not understand what the stumbling block is. 
Andrew Willie asked if O & G would like to have monthly meetings regarding Bridgeport Hall just like the meetings they had for the ball fields.  Dave Cravanzola stated that he would be more than happy to meet with members of the Authority to give an overview of the progress at Bridgeport Hall but did think it would be necessary because he meets with numerous town commissions regarding this matter. 
Planning Committee: Amy Dent stated that she has been working with Julia Wasserman on grant money for the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Ms. Dent has also been working on the signage for the campus.
Ms. Dent also wanted it known that the incorrect information that is being given out needed to be addressed.  Ms. Dent stated that the planning for the ball fields was done through Parks and Recreation and that this has to be done on a gradual basis.  It cannot be done all at once as people keep expecting.
Ms. Dent also made the point that the vote on the Master Plan was not a required vote.
Ms. Dent also addressed the statement made by a member of the public regarding an alternative space for use by the high school was incorrect.  Ms. Dent stated that the Fairfield Hills Authority did offer space to the Board of Education but they did not want it.  Ms. Dent said that there were meetings held over a three day period to look in to this as a possibility by the Board of Education rejected the concept.
Real Estate:  Andrew Willie gave an overview of the potential real estate negotiations at the Fairfield Hills Campus.
The letter of intent to lease the Newtown Hall building is being reviewed by the lessee’s attorney and should be finalized soon and that Kevin’s Community Center is also going to be using part of this property.
Executive Session:  The Authority moved into Executive Session at 8:15 p.m. to get an update on the movie “The Madman’s Tale”.  At 8:23 the Authority returned to public session.
Motion:  Michael Holmes made a motion to approve the proposed 2008 budget.  Amy Dent seconded the motion.  The Authority members that were present voted unanimously. 
Andrew Willie made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Moira Rodgers seconded the motion.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.